All subjects were initially educated regarding isokineticresistance and the overall procedures. Prior totesting, all subjects performed a 5-minute warm-upon an UBE at an intensity of 600 kg•m/min in aclockwise direction (right-hand view) using the 90 erated by the Cybex 6000 software. Peak torque wasdefined as the highest value from the torque curvefor the best repetition at each speed. Single-repetitionwork was defined as the area under the torque curvefor the best of the 5 repetitions obtained at eachtesting speed.A 3-factor repeated-measures ANOVA was used forstatistical analysis. The 3 factors were hand dominanceat 2 levels (dominant, nondominant), movementat 2 levels (flexion, extension), and speed at 3levels (90°/s, 210°/s, and 300°/s). One ANOVA wascalculated for males, and another for females forboth peak torque and single-repetition work. Dataanalysis of the peak torque and single-repetition workflexion/extension ratios consisted of a 2-factorrepeated-measures ANOVA, with the factors beinghand dominance at 2 levels (dominant,nondominant) and speed at 3 levels (90°/s, 210°/s,and 300°/s). Significance was based on P0.05. Todetermine the significance of individual dominant/nondominant pairs, post hoc testing was performedusing dependent t tests when main effect differenceswere initially identified. A Bonferroni adjustment wasused to set the level for statistical significance atP 0,002.
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