Easily and quickly Rapse a
button one of the most common "epidiorthwtikes" jobs that will need to do as a housewife is sewing buttons loosen or have completely gone. Don't spook unjustly, though. Even if you do not know to tell a sewing machine from an opener for canned goods, sewing button is something much simpler and faster than you think
One of the most common "epidiorthwtikes" jobs that will need to do as a housewife is sewing buttons loosen or have completely gone. Don't spook unfairly, though.
Even if you do not know to tell a sewing machine from an opener for canned goods, sewing button is something much simpler and faster than you think.
step one: If you don't have to "Save" button that xelaskare, look on the label of the garment where usually there is a spare. If there is nothing there either, then go the garment in a special store to buy a like. And you wish to find one because the next step is to buy new buttons for all holes. step two: Choose a thread in the same shade used in the remaining buttons. Cut out a piece about 30 m long and after you go through the eye of the needle, cuff both ends into a knot. If you want you can do and double knot. step three: Put the button onto the fabric in the correct position. Many times, the pinholes of the previous button have been very intense and help much for freshman. step four: Starting from the bottom of the garment, (the side that doesn't seem, i.e.), push the needle up through one of the holes of button.
Fifth step: then passed the needle down through another hole, and pushed her down this time. (If the button has more than two holes, follow the same procedure and in the other).
step six: Reiterated the previous two steps from six to eight times. The last two times, Let a little more laskarismeni the thread as you pass from the inside of the garment. Don't say tentwneis, so as to create a small noose.
seventh step: make your last knot as follows: Passed the needle through the loop that you created a few times and then pulled gently to tighten.
Step eight: Pull the rest of the thread, as close to the knot as you can.
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