καλησπέρα μαμά τι κάνεις; κάνει κρύο εδώ εκεί πως είναι ο καιρός; πήρες κάτι από το ταχυδρομείο μήπως; απλά ρωτάω,ο πατέρας μου είναι μακρυά και θέλω να μάθω χαχα έκπληξη ξέρεις
good evening mom what are you doing?It's cold here there how is the weather?you took something from the post office does?just asking, my dad is away and I want to know haha surprise you know
good evening how are you mom? cold here that there is the weather? something you got from the post office does? just ask my father is away and I want to know haha surprise you know
Good evening, mom. What are you doing?What's the weather like here in the cold?Do you have a post office?I just said, my father is too far, I want to know your surprise, ha ha