good morning beautiful,
I carefully read everything you wrote,
I have written many times that life plays strange games many times in our lives.
Nor I expect it to happen to me
But Google,unfortunately it's a case that I can not handle it absolutely alone mou.katalavaineis what I'm saying?
It's a big hurdle your marriage but I can not do more because if I would go into a case that I do not know that it will come, just wait from you what you do.
If you decide that you finish from there I am in the mood, I'm sorry but it is.
Now the question is what we are only here, what can I say?
I'll just say,there are people who are very lonely and have no Internet access to write to another man and feel very lonely, it would say, and I hope you understand what I mean.
I mean, sometimes out of nothing and that is good, but not enough to torment us what we do badly.
Good luck today to your Father and tell me if what the doctor said,you get permission all day from your work?
Being close to your parents today and please do feel good ones,to build the tree for them to light candles in the evening there and build a nice atmosphere.
I know it's hard to hang out with them because they live in a world of their own but your parents are my girl.
Only when you lose them you will understand only tote.Lypamai to have to say this but I say to understand.
I saw my children and I talked with them is good,have their work people who love problems like all of us, but oh well, sending love to you and liking everything.
I'll stay here today and tomorrow morning we will return to downtown New York for the event.
I love you, good morning
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