Ναι προσευχήθηκα και παρακάλεσα τον θεό το πρωί στην εκκλησία για σένα μετάφραση - Ναι προσευχήθηκα και παρακάλεσα τον θεό το πρωί στην εκκλησία για σένα Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Ναι προσευχήθηκα και παρακάλεσα τον

Ναι προσευχήθηκα και παρακάλεσα τον θεό το πρωί στην εκκλησία για σένα.
Λοιπόν Ralph, για μένα η ζωή δέν ήταν ποτέ εύκολη και γενναιόδωρη,έχω να σου πω ότι μεγάλωσα με την γιαγιά μου ( η μητέρα της μητέρας μου) γιατί η μαμά μου ήταν άρρωστη.Σε ηλικία των 10 χρόνων είχα αναλάβει πολλές υποχρεώσεις .Από τότε μέχρι σήμερα είμαι αγωνίστρια, πρωτοπόρα και ακούραστη σε όλους τους τομείς(γυναίκα μητέρα,κόρη,εργαζόμενη,φίλη,δεκανίκι για όσους με χρειάζονται).θέλω να πω όμως ότι μου συνέβησαν και δύο υπέροχα πράγματα στη ζωή μου,Πρώτον είχα την στήριξη των γονιών μου και ιδιαίτερα του πατέρα μου (καταλαβαίνεις λοιπόν πόσο μου λείπει ) και δεύτερον ότι με ευλόγησε ο Θεός να γίνω μητέρα Για 'ολα αυτά που συνέβησαν στην ζωή μου αλλά και για όσα θα έρθουν ευχαριστώ από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου τον Θεό, γιατί στη ζωή υπάρχει πολύς πόνος και υπάρχει και η άλλη 'οψη του νομίσματος.
Εγώ Ralph ταξίδεψα πολύ λίγο, αλλά έχω γνωρίσει πολλούς ανθρώπους και πίστεψε με προσπαθώ με κάθε τρόπο να βρίσκομαι στο πλευρό τους.
Υ,Γ, Ο πατέρας τα τελευταία έξι χρόνια της ζωής του έκανε αιμοκάθαρση.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
So I prayed and begged God to church in the morning for you.Well Ralph, for me no life was never easy and generous, I have to tell you that I grew up with my grandmother (my mother's mother) because my mom was sick. At the age of 10 years had assumed many responsibilities. Since then I'm campaigner, pioneering and tireless in all sectors (mother, daughter, wife, worker, friend, crutch for those in need). I want to say though that I happened to two wonderful things in my life First I had the support of my parents, particularly my father (you know well how much I miss) and secondly that with God blessed to become a mother For all of what has happened in my life and for what will come thanks from the bottom of my heart to God, because in life there is a lot of pain and there is the other side of the coin '.I Ralph I traveled quite a bit, but I have met many people and believe me I try in every way to be on their side.Y, c, the father of the last six years of his life did dialysis.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Yes I prayed and begged God in the morning at church for you.
Well, Ralph, for me life has never been easy and generous, I have to tell you that I grew up with my grandmother (the mother of my mother) because my mom was sick .In the age of 10 years had taken many obligations .From then until today I am campaigner, pioneering and tireless in all areas (mother wife, daughter, employee, friend, crutch for those in need) .thelo say though that happened to me and two wonderful things in my life, First I had the support of my parents, especially my father (understand then how I miss) and secondly that God blessed to become Mothers' all that happened in my life and for what will come thank you from the bottom of my heart to God, because in life there is much pain and there is another "side of the coin.
I Ralph traveled very little, but I've met many people and believe me I try in every way to be at their side .
Y, C, father in the last six years of his life he dialysis.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Yes, I pray, pray for God's church you good morning.
Ralph, my life has never been easy and generous,I told you, I and my grandma (grandmother), because my mother, my age is 10 years old Rho Rho Omega ETA sigma epsilon sigma tau. A lot of commitment. From then until now, I was a fighter.In all areas of the pioneer and tireless (the wife's mother, daughter, friends, work, for those who need a cane) I want to say, but I and two lovely things happen in my life,First of all, my parents support me, especially my father (so you know how much I miss you), followed by God's blessing, becoming a mother to all of this happen in my life and II thank God from the bottom of my heart,Because there's too much pain in my life and money. I'm Ralph, but I know a lot of people believe me, I'm all the way, I'm by their side,Father's past six years of life to do dialysis.
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