έκανα κάτι που σε ενόχλησε και εγώ δεν το κατάλαβα; Είναι μια δική σου απόφαση αυτό;Αν ναι εντάξει να είσαι καλά,αλλά απλά πάντα προσπαθώ με τους ανθρώπους να μιλάω όταν συμβαίνει κάτι;
I did something that bothered me and I didn? Is yours a decision this? If yes okay you're okay, but just always try to talk to people when something happens?
I did something that annoyed me and I didn't understand? Is your own decision this? If yes OK you're okay, but just always try with people to talk when something happens?