Listen girl I'm sorry but you do not know what you want finally?
that on the one hand telling me to come over there to fix home and be with me when I write you after that should you apply to a lawyer about your divorce you say that you are afraid to do and should bethink and talk we amicably.
So, because I can no longer and I can see you only as a friend does not go then this story, and to tell you one more thing?
The reason we are not together is that insecurity that got my girl,okay we are not all the same people but mercy anymore Christy, what you want to do?
I can come over there and you can be with your husband and can not wait when I will see you secretly and in fear lest someone see me?
no it does not become clarified first with yourself exactly what you want and then come tell me.
I have not angry nor am I upset any of this, but you have some time to think and me,I do that and my run is to raise money to have for us for home for our children, because my child will be your child,for you for your home to us not missing anything I have phoned for our new house, and now write you scared and do not know why you should do all this but do not do anything.
Sorry but I can another .... what else to do to come there to pick you up from your little ear and tell you come with me?To come there and pick up a night in with a truck furniture and take you along and go?
If you tell me yes I do but then you have to forget your work your parents your husband your friends and go to another country and live there, I have no problem, do you?
Otherwise what else?
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