The present fndings show the efectiveness of a muscle<br>reinforcement program on muscle mass and function, as<br>well as on static balance parameters in moderate sarcopenic<br>older women, thus suggesting that this type of intervention<br>could represent a signifcant approach to reducing important<br>risk factors for falling, such as sarcopenia and balance<br>impairments. However, the limitations of this study and the<br>potential biases must be considered before drawing frm conclusions, and further studies are required to deeply evaluate<br>the efectiveness of diferent types of adapted physical activity<br>program in muscle mass and function and in balance. On<br>the whole, this study allows moving a step forward in the<br>understanding of the clinical benefcial efects of adapted<br>physical activity in an older population. Te longitudinal<br>assessment of this population, including physical activity<br>training adherence over time, that is part of an ongoing study<br>and the inclusion of geriatric assessment parameters will help<br>understanding the elders risk stratifcation, on the basis of<br>functional ftness and frailty prevention.
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