Delta epsilon sigma Rho ETA Thomas is a writer and journalist. Writing and translating books and plays, and alpha Phi alpha gamma Rho Rho theta Omicron epsilon in Greek and international media.Do radio and engaged in the research and writing of the text in the documentary. Born in 1967.Politics and public administration in ethnic kappa alpha PI delta l o t p l / K / University of Athens law school. The company mainly engaged in newspaper media epsilon PI iota kappa Omicron iota Nu Nu Alpha Omega Alpha Rho theta. Alpha Phi epsilon Omicron gamma Rho Zaman Zaman and Turkey today.He has worked in radio and television, to create a different theme (Radio 5, radio transmission cycle of Athens, in red, sports frequency modulation scheme of [1], [2] (NRA).Are the creators of "unattended crossing [3]" ertopen B plan. The person in charge of the post office in the city press office P alpha tau sigma iota kappa epsilon V / V decentralized command in Aegean Sea and.Discuss the parallel compilation of adult training manager and vulnerable social groups in the HPC delta iota alpha beta alpha kappa alpha lambda Nu iota kappa responsible.Certified instructor is developed from the principles of human resource in Greece and cyprus. The research and the author of the article has been adapted to the [4] and in reading literary magazines.The founder of treno magazine.
alliance member magazines and electronic editing, translation and drama writers union of Greek literary agent and company.
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