Θα καθίσεις εσύ με ηρεμία και θα σκεφτείς όλα αυτά μετά από τον πατέρα σου τώρα θα ασχοληθείς με αυτόν,με τον μαλάκα τον Ερικ ήσουν τόσα χρόνια ας περιμένει και αυτός λίγο δεν θα πάθει τίποτα.Ας περιμένει.....
Will you sit quietly and think about all this after your father now will deal with him, asshole Eric were so many years we wait and he just does not become tipota.As wait .....
Will you sit down calmly and I ponder all this after your father now will deal with him, with the asshole the Eric you were many years let's wait and he just won't get anything. Let's wait ...