πάντως είσαι σέξι και μαγειρεύεις πολύ καλά από ότι βλέπω,ο πατέρας μου λέει ότι ο έρωτας περνάει πρώτα από το στομάχι αλλά εγώ λέω ότι περνάει πρώτα από το κρεβάτι εσύ τι νομίζεις;
However, you are sexy and cook very well from what I see, my father says that love goes through the stomach first, but I say it first passes through the bed what do you think?
However you're sexy and cook very well as I see it, my father says that Eros first passes from the stomach but I say that first passes out of bed you what do you think?