όχι δυστυχώς δεν έχω vw τον σκαραβαίο.Στην συνέχεια πήρα ένα peuegeot 305 turbo,στη συνέχεια ένα opel astra station wagon και τέλος τα τελευταία 8 χρόνια οδηγώ ένα nissan to x-trail
No unfortunately I don't have the vw scarab. Afterwards I got a turbo peuegeot 305, then a opel astra station wagon and finally the last 8 years to drive a nissan x-trail
unfortunately I have not the vw skaravaio.Stin then got a peuegeot 305 turbo, then a opel astra station wagon, and finally the last eight years I drive a nissan to x-trail
Unfortunately I didn't he I sigma kappa alpha Rho alpha beta alpha Omicron. Sigma tau ETA V mass turbine peuegeot 305, then a Opel Astra wagon and ended nearly eight years to drive a Nissan X-Trail