τι κάνεις είμαι εντάξει απλά το χτύπησα το χέρι μου πολύ τώρα ετοιμάζομαι να πάω σε αυτή την εκδήλωση με πούρα,δεν θέλω να το κάνω αλλά δεν γίνεται πρέπει να πάω. εσυ τι κάνεις;
What are you doing I'm okay just I hit my hand much now get ready to go to this event with cigars, I don't want to do it but doesn't have to go. NHS what do?
what I'm doing alright just hit my hand too is now preparing to go to this event with cigars, I do not want to do it but there is no need to go. How about you?