προσπαθώ να καταλάβω τι γίνετε,καταλαβαίνεις; Αν το έχει κάνει αυτό πρέπει να έχεις το ποτήρι με κρασί για να πας σε αστυνομία πρέπει να υπάρχουν πειστήρια,καταλαβαίνεις;Το έχεις;
trying to figure out what's going on, you know? If you have done this you should have a glass of wine to go to police there must be evidence, you know? has it?
trying to figure out what's going on, understand? if you have done this you need to have the glass with wine to go to police there must be evidence, understand? you've got?