Method<br>Procedures<br> The research occurred in the Department of Psychiatry at the Children’s Hospital of<br>Philadelphia (CHOP). Patients were recruited mainly from CHOP’s primary care offices and<br>emergency room. During routine clinical interviews, patients identified as having suicidal<br>thoughts were referred to the clinic social worker for an assessment. Adolescents who endorsed<br>scores above 31 on the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ-JR)23 and above 20 on the Beck<br>Depression Inventory (BDI-II)24 (i.e., moderate depression) were referred to our study. On a<br>second screening, generally two days later (M = 2.21 days, SD = 1.34), if both suicide and<br>depression scores remained above the cut-offs, patients were eligible for the study. For this highrisk group, a longer waiting period was deemed unethical. Patients had to be between 12 and 17<br>years old with a parent or guardian willing to participate.<br> Adolescents were not eligible if they 1) needed psychiatric hospitalization, 2) were<br>recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital, 3) had current psychosis, or 4) had mental<br>retardation or history of borderline intellectual functioning. Patients could remain on<br>antidepressant medication if they had started it at least 12 weeks prior to randomization.<br> Eligible adolescents and parents signed a written, informed consent and were then<br>randomized to either ABFT or EUC. Assessments were conducted at baseline, six weeks, 12<br>weeks (post-treatment), and 24 weeks (follow-up, 12 weeks after treatment). All assessment staff<br>had a B.A. in psychology and were trained, certified and supervised by the project coordinator.<br>The study was approved by the IRB at CHOP.<br> We used an adaptive or "urn" randomization procedure, maintained by the statistician,<br>with four stratification variables: age, gender, past suicide attempt, and family conflict. The <br>Family Therapy for Suicidal Youth<br>6<br>project coordinator was blind to the randomization sequence until the baseline assessment was<br>complete. Given limited grant resources and clinical severity of the patients, blinding assessors<br>στη θεραπεία ανάθεση δεν ήταν εφικτό. <br>Επτά Ph.D. ή θεραπευτές MSW-επίπεδο που προβλέπεται ABFT (4 θηλυκά, 3 αρσενικά). Έξι ήταν <br>Καυκάσιοι και ένας ήταν της Ασίας και της Αμερικής. Κάθε εκπαιδεύτηκαν, πιστοποιημένα, και εποπτεύεται από το πρώτο <br>και το τέταρτο συγγραφείς. Fidelity στη θεραπεία παρακολουθήθηκε μέσω εβδομαδιαίων περίπτωση συζήτησης, <br>επανεξέταση βιντεοκασέτα, και ζωντανή παρακολούθηση
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