H P, which makes the system's arm, which means!
[6:46:55 π μ] Nataliya Dubrovina: - as of к Y H, which makes it makes our society's, to e, C C, which has identified means of fascist pronoun for e albumose e for а fascist, t / P for PI. Our P, t, for of, for E in E identified. By finishing. In our has of C, h, PI (P / T of society. On our.
[6: 47:14 for Le E) PI mu] Nataliya Dubrovina:. C e of C, by all. For which has to K y makes e for alpha kappa of pronoun in society, is in. In China, of, by Nataliya Dubrovina: has.
[6:47:25 π μ]II. C in the P, C, of а in, by which our society has first to..
[6:48:03 π μ] Nataliya Dubrovina: PI. C in C C of C of P, P / E of arm's attention in use. The betel has has has has on the C C makes me makes kappa of in on the elixir, when he's in e to P, 3. When's, makes for our P / of, our society by has of..
[6:49:54 π μ] Nataliya Dubrovina:Ивседругиедокументыпереводтолькоздесьинотариустолькоздесь(уменя)。Возможнопереводздесьуменябудетнаказахскийязык(онсчитаетсягосударственным)。Поэтомуничегонепереводи。
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