ETS TOEIC <br>CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT <br>This is to certify that Anastasia Delinikou achieved the following scores on the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test <br><br>Listening: 240 <br><br><br>Reading: 195 <br><br>Total: 435 <br><br>as administered under the auspices of: HELLENIC AMERICAN UNION<br>at: Athens, Greece <br><br>date: 26-November-2015 <br><br>David L. Hunt <br>David L.Hunt <br>Senior Vice President <br>Global Division and Workforce Division, ETS <br><br>BROWN134344 <br><br>This is presented in recognition of your achievement <br>An official score report must be submitted to organizations that require a TOEIC score.
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