Αγόρασα το ApPHP Shopping Cart όταν είχατε προσφορά. Προσπάθησα να αγοράσω και το ApPHP Restaurant Site αλλά δεν τα κατάφερα. Όταν επέστρεψα ξανά να το αγοράσω η προσφορά έληξε. Μπορώ να έχω ξανά έκπτωση?
ApPHP Shopping Cart bought when you offer.I tried to buy the Site but not Restaurant ApPHP succeeded.When I came back again to buy the offer expired.Can I have discount again?
I bought ApPHP Shopping Cart when you bid. I tried to buy and ApPHP Restaurant Site but did not succeed. When I came back again to buy the offer expired. Can I again discount;
ApPHP shopping cart, when you buy the offer I want to buy, the site of the ApPHP restaurant, but no success. When I came back to buy square meters of expired.