Αυτά μπορούν να αποδειχτούν από την ομιλία που είχα μαζί του. Παρακαλώ το freelancer.com να ελέγξει την ομιλία που είχα μαζί του, και να με δικαιώσει. Αυτός ο άνθρωπος δυσφημίζει το freelancer.com. Και θα πρέπει να ενεργήσετε ανάλογα.
These can be proved from the speech that I had with him.Please check if there is freelancer.com talk I had with him, and to justify.This man is freelancer.com puts.And should act accordingly.
These can be proved by the speech that I had with him. Please check the freelancer.com talk I had with him, and to justify. This man discredits the freelancer.com. And we should act accordingly.