IlluminatedTo project Illuminated αποτελεί τεχνικά και εννοιολογικά τη μετάφραση - IlluminatedTo project Illuminated αποτελεί τεχνικά και εννοιολογικά τη Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

IlluminatedTo project Illuminated α


To project Illuminated αποτελεί τεχνικά και εννοιολογικά τη συνέχεια των ερωτημάτων που ήδη άρχισαν να τίθενται με το That Thing About Trace:
Τι σημασία έχει ο χώρος;
Ποια η λειτουργία των στοιχείων στο χώρο με βάση τη μεταβολή της τοποθέτησής τους στα όρια αυτού;
Πως η δυσκολία κατανόησης μιας απλής-ψυχρής απεικόνισης ή του θέματος αυτής μπορεί να εισάγει το θεατή σε μια διαδικασία σκέψης;
Ποια τα χαρακτηριστικά μιας αρχικά δυσνόητης εικόνας που κεντρίζουν την προσοχή;
Το Illuminated λοιπόν, με κοινά αλλά και μεταβαλλόμενα στοιχεία με το That Thing About Trace αποκτά τη δική του υπόσταση.
Επιλέγει την ισορροπία παρά την ασσύμετρη μορφή αυτής.
Δεν παρουσιάζει αλλόκοτη προοπτική αλλά είναι αποτέλεσμα αλλόκοτης προοπτικής.
Απορρίπτει το μοτίβο συσσώρευσης και περνά σε ένα νέο, minimal pattern που ταιριάζει απόλυτα με την ανάλαφρη ατμόσφαιρά του.
Και ακόμα και αν η διαχείριση του χώρου και η λειτουργία των έργων μέσω της συνολικότητας είναι κοινά χαρακτηριστικά και των δυο project, οι παραπάνω αντιθέσεις δείχνουν ττην προσκόλληση των τελευταίων έργων σε ένα νέο θέμα που τις απαιτεί. Το θέμα της γεωμετρίας και της συμμετρίας.
Κυριότερη αντίθεση ωστόσο των δύο έργων είναι ο μαύρος ≠ λευκός χώρος. Η μετάβαση από τον μαύρο στο λευκό χώρο έχει ύψιστη σημασία ενώ ταυτόχρονα αποτελεί και την προσωποποίηση ενός σκοπού.
Σκοπός να μεταφερθούν οι βασικές ιδέες και τα ερωτήματα που προκύπτουν από το μάυρο, κλειστο, και εσωστρεφές περιβάλλον του That Thing About Trace στην διευρυμένη-απέραντη πραγματικότητα του Illuminated.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
IlluminatedProject is Illuminated To technical and conceptual continuity of queries already began to put with That Thing About Trace:What difference does the space?What is the function of elements in space based on the change of being placed within the limits of this?That difficulty understanding simple-cold imaging or topic this may introduce the Viewer to a thought process?What are the characteristics of an initially tricky picture that arouse attention? The well Illuminated, with common and changing data with That Thing About Trace acquires its own personality.Select the balance despite an asymmetric shape.No presents queer perspective but are the result of allokotis perspective.Rejects the pattern of accumulation and passes into a new, minimal pattern that fits perfectly with the light-hearted atmosphere. And even if the management and operation of projects through synolikotitas are common features of both project, these contrasts indicate basic sticking of recent works on a new topic that requires. The subject of geometry and symmetry. Main opposition but the two works are black ≠ white space. The transition from black to white space is of paramount importance while at the same time is the personification of an objective. Aim to transfer the basic ideas and questions that emerge from the black, closed, and introverted environment of That Thing About the Trace the enlarged-infinite reality of Illuminated.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Illuminated To project Illuminated is a technical and conceptual continuity of the questions already began to put the That Thing About Trace: What difference does the area? What is the function of elements in space by the change of their place within the limits of this? How difficulty understanding a simple-cold display or topic that can introduce the viewer into a thought process? What are the characteristics of a first abstruse image that stir attention? The Illuminated then, with common and variable elements with That Thing About Trace acquires its own existence. Selects balance despite the asymmetrical form of this. There has freakish perspective but rather by bizarre perspective. Dismisses the accumulation pattern and passes into a new, minimal pattern that matches perfectly with the light-hearted atmosphere. And even though the space management and operation of projects through synolikotitas are common features of both project, the above contrasts show ttin adhesion of recent works in a new issue the requires. The subject of geometry and symmetry. The core but unlike the two projects is the black ≠ white space. The transition from black to white space is paramount while also serving as the personification of a purpose. The purpose to transfer the basic ideas and questions raised by black, closed and introverted environment That Thing About Trace the enlarged-endless reality the Illuminated.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]

this project lighting is lighting technology and semantic continuity problems put forward, has already begun with the tracer about: square metres of space is what meaning?Which features of the change, the spatial location based on the square of the boundary?How to understand the difficulty, a simple cold or imaging problem can be the audience thinking process in which characteristics of
original image delta upsilon, sigma Nu ETA tau ETA save stamp meters attention?The lighting is very good and with common variable data to get things as their own personality. In the choice of balancing, in spite of the alpha sigma sigma Mu epsilon tau Rho ETA squared.But the strange thing is that no effect of the perspective of the strange world view. In the rejection of the accumulation and transfer to a new pattern, pattern matching the smallest total and relaxed atmosphere.
Even space management and business projects, including the main body of the two projects through common features,These contradictions suggest that the need for a new subject for adhesion in the past works. Geometry and symmetry problem. However, two meters is mainly black and white space.From black to white space, but also has a very important meaning and purpose of an avatar,And an inward type environmental tracer, approximately in the infinite expansion of the reality - lighting.
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Άλλες γλώσσες
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