δεν έχω να πω τίποτα το ξεχωριστό για τον σύντροφο της Ελπίδας. Είναι ένα παιδί,χαμηλών τόνων,ήρεμος και δέκα χρόνια μεγαλύτερος από την ίδια Δεν θέλω να το συζητήσω και να αναλύσω το θέμα .
I don't have to say anything special about the companion of hope.Is a child, low-key, calm and ten years older than the sameI don't want to discuss and analyze the issue.
I do not have to say anything special for the partner of Hope. It's a child, low-key, quiet ten years older than the same I do not want to discuss and analyze the issue.
I don't have anything special to say about a partner's hopes. (it's a child, calm and low-key, from the same meter ten years old, I don't want to discuss and analyze the problem.