τι κάνεις μικρό μου;
καλημέρα για εκεί,
είχα πολύ δουλειά με την ταινία σε άλλη πόλη και είχα προβλήματα με την γραμμή μου.
με έψαχναν και τα κορίτσια το ξέρω,σε σκεφτόμουνα μικρό πουλάκι μου,καταλαβαίνω ότι έχεις προβλήματα και ίσως σου δημιουργώ και εγώ από πάνω,δεν ξέρω...
Από την άλλη πλευρά δεν μπορώ να μην έχω έστω και αυτή την επαφή εδώ,καταλαβαίνεις;
Τώρα πως είναι τα πράγματα εκεί;Ο πατέρας τι κάνει πώς είναι τι θα γίνει με το χειρουργείο;
Ο Ερικ τι κάνει αυτός μαζί σου;Εσύ πως πας με τον ψυχολόγο σου;Το παιδί τι λέει για όλα αυτά,θέλει προσοχή αυτό το ξέρεις έτσι δεν είναι;
Εσύ βλέπεις τις φίλες σου;Παρακαλώ μην απομονωθείς με όλα αυτά να βγαίνεις έξω,εντάξει;
Εγώ εχω γυρίσει από σήμερα στην πόλη πίσω θα πάω να κάνω ψώνια για το σπίτι και θελήματα,θα μιλήσουμε πάλι....
Είδα τα δώρα στο γραφείο σου,θέλω να δω και το ψυγείο που έβαλες την μπότα και το βραχιόλι στο χέρι σου,και να κάνεις μακιγιάζ με τις σκιές που έστειλε η κόρη μου,το τηλέφωνο μπήκε στην θήκη για το τηλέφωνό σου;θέλω να το δω και αυτό,θα το κάνεις;
what do my little?
hello there for,
I had a lot of work with the film in another city and I had problems with my line.
with searching and girls I know, I was thinking in my little birdie,I understand that you have problems and maybe you create over and I do not know ...
On the other hand I can not have even this contact here, you know?
Now how are things there?Father what how what will happen with the surgery?
Eric what he with you? Thou that go with your psychology? Child says what about all this, he wants attention that you know is not it?
You see your girlfriends? Please do not isolate yourself with all of them to go out, okay?
I got back from town today back I'm going shopping for home and errands, we'll talk again ....
I saw the gifts in your office, I want to see refrigerators and put their boots and the bracelet on your hand, and do makeup with shades that sent my daughter, the phone entered the case for your phone?I want to see and what will you do?
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..

What do my small?
good for there, I had a lot of work with the movie in another city and I had problems with my line.
with searched and girls I know, in my little birdie, I thoughtI understand that you have problems and you may create and I above, I do not know ...
on the other hand I can't don't have even this contact here, understand?
Now how are things there?What does father how is what will be done with surgery?
o Eric what is he doing with you? You that you go with your psychologist? the kid what he says about all this, he wants attention that you know isn't it?
You see your girlfriends? please do not apomonwtheis with all this you go out, OK?
I've turned out today in the city back I'm going to do shopping for the House and errands, we'll talk again ....I saw the gifts at your desk, I want to see and the refrigerator that did you put the boot and the bracelet in your hand, and doing makeup with shades that sent my daughter the phone entered the case for your phone?I want to see and what will you do?
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..