Και μετά από 2 μέρες, αν δεν τα έχουν βρει μεταξύ τους θα είναι υποχρεωμένοι να καταθέσουν από ένα ποσό ο καθένας σαν εγγύηση, και θα αναλαμβάνουν οι διαχειριστές να βρουν ποιος από τους δυο έχει δίκιο.
And after 2 days, unless you have found each other will be obliged to deposit an amount everyone like warranty, and will undertake administrators to find which of the two is right.
And after two days, unless you have found between them will be obliged to deposit an amount everyone as a guarantee and will assume the administrators to find which of the two is right.
2 days later, if there is no amount of deposit to be found among them, each person must ensure that each person is like a, which will assume the manager to find which one is correct.