Είχα έρθει την τετάρτη εδώ και μου είπανε ότι η τάξη 33 ξεκινάει την παρασκευή. Ήρθα εδώ και την πέμπτη και ρώτησα την ώρα που θα κάνουμε μάθημα και μου είπανε οτι έχουμε ξεκινήσει απο την τετάρτη..
I had come here on Wednesday and I have said that the class 33 begins Friday. I came here on Thursday and asked the time you do have me lesson that we start from Wednesday.
I had come here on wednesday and told me that the order of 33 starts on Friday. I came for the fifth time and asked that we do lesson and told me that we start from the fourth ..