μάλλον τίποτα από όλα αυτά δεν έγινε που σκέφτηκες απλά ήπιες πολύ δεν είχες φάει μετά ζαλίστηκες έπεσες για ύπνο και όταν σηκώθηκες δεν θυμάσαι τίποτα,και εγώ το έχω αυτό πάθει,καταλαβαίνω....
probably none of this was not what I thought too mild just did not eat after dizzy you fell to sleep and got up when you can not remember anything, and I have that suffer, I understand ....
probably none of this was that we might just mild not much you eat after zalistikes fell asleep and when sikwthikes does not remember anything, and I have suffered, I understand ....