Οι εκπαιδευτικοί ηγέτες ενδέχεται να αντιμετωπίσουν στις σχολικές τους μετάφραση - Οι εκπαιδευτικοί ηγέτες ενδέχεται να αντιμετωπίσουν στις σχολικές τους Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Οι εκπαιδευτικοί ηγέτες ενδέχεται ν

Οι εκπαιδευτικοί ηγέτες ενδέχεται να αντιμετωπίσουν στις σχολικές τους μονάδες ποικίλες κρίσεις που μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν μεγάλη αναστάτωση και αναταραχή στην εύρυθμη λειτουργία τους. Με το υψηλό αίσθημα αυτοαποτελεσματικότητας που τους διακρίνει, το στυλ ηγεσίας που υιοθετούν και την συνεχή τους επιμόρφωση, οι διευθυντές των σχολικών μονάδων είναι δυνατόν να ανταποκριθούν με επιτυχία στους ηγετικούς τους ρόλους.Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας είναι να διερευνήσει τις απόψεις των διευθυντών σχολικών μονάδων πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης στην περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας, σχετικά με την διαχείριση κρίσεων, το αίσθημα της αυτοαποτελεσματικότητας και το προφίλ της ηγετικής συμπεριφοράς των διευθυντών.Στην παρούσα έρευνα συμμετείχαν 135 διευθυντές σχολικών μονάδων α/θμιας εκπαίδευσης, στην πλειοψηφία τους άνδρες. Το δείγμα είχε κατά μέσο όρο ηλικία 54 ετών και στην πλειοψηφία του αποτελούνταν από έγγαμους διευθυντές με 2 παιδιά. Επίσης οι περισσότεροι είχαν επιπρόσθετη πιστοποίηση στις Τ.Π.Ε, ενώ περίπου οι μισοί διέθεταν και μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο σπουδών. Ακόμη, οι διευθυντές του δείγματος είχανε κατά μέσο όρο 28 έτη εκπαιδευτικής υπηρεσίας, από τα οποία τα 9 περίπου ήταν σε διοικητική θέση ευθύνης, ενώ στο σχολείο τους υπάρχουν περίπου 154 μαθητές κατά μέσο όρο. Η πλειοψηφία των διευθυντών είχαν ειδικότητα ΠΕ70, και η οργανικότητα του σχολείου τους ήταν 4-6/θέσιο και 10-12/θέσιο. Η πλειονότητα του δείγματος ήταν διευθυντές σε σχολεία του νομού Λάρισας και Μαγνησίας, ενώ τα περισσότερα σχολεία λειτουργούσαν σε αστική ή αγροτική περιοχή. Τέλος, οι περισσότεροι ερωτηθέντες ήταν πάνω από 2 χρόνια διευθυντές στο τωρινό τους σχολείο.Από τα ευρήματα προκύπτει, ότι οι διευθυντές είναι αρκετά εξοικειωμένοι με τις στρατηγικές διαχείρισης κρίσης, «Αντιμετώπιση», «Προετοιμασία» και «Ανάκαμψη», ενώ θεωρούν πως είναι κάπως έως αρκετά εξοικειωμένοι με την στρατηγική «Καταπολέμηση». Παρατηρήθηκε επίσης ότι οι διευθυντές που έχουν 2ο πτυχίο ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ είναι περισσότερο εξοικειωμένοι με την στρατηγική της «Ανάκαμψης» από όσους δεν έχουν 2ο πτυχίο, ενώ όσοι έχουν διδακτορικό είναι περισσότερο εξοικειωμένοι με τις στρατηγικές «Καταπολέμηση», «Αντιμετώπιση» και «Ανάκαμψη». Τέλος παρατηρήθηκε ότι περισσότερα έτη διοικητικής εμπειρίας σε θέση ευθύνες οδηγούν σε μεγαλύτερη εξοικείωση με την στρατηγική της «Καταπολέμησης». Όσον αφορά την εκπαίδευση σχετικά με την στρατηγική διαχείρισης των κρίσεων οι μισοί περίπου δήλωσαν την προσωπική τους εμπειρία. Επίσης, οι ερωτηθέντες διευθυντές δήλωσαν πως εφαρμόζουν συχνά τη «Μετασχηματιστική» και την «Συναλλακτική» ηγεσία, ενώ αντίθετα δήλωσαν ότι σπάνια εφαρμόζουν την «Παθητική» ηγεσία. Τέλος και όσον αφορά το αίσθημα της αυτοαποτελεσματικότητας τους, οι ερωτηθέντες δήλωσαν ότι διακατέχονται από πολύ έως πάρα πολύ έντονο αίσθημα αυτοαποτελεσματικότητας που αφορά την στρατηγική διαχείρισης της κρίσης.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Teachers leaders may face in their schools various crises that can create great turmoil and unrest in their proper functioning. With a high sense of self-efficacy that distinguishes them, the leadership style they adopt and their continuing education, directors of schools is successfully possible to respond to their leadership roles. <br>The purpose of this research is to investigate the views of school leaders in primary units Thessaly region, on crisis management, a sense of self-efficacy and leadership behavior of managers profile.<br>In this survey involved 135 managers a school / Secondary education units, most of them men. The sample had an average age of 54 and the majority of directors consisted of married with 2 children. Also most had additional certification in ICT, while about half had a postgraduate degree. Furthermore, the directors of the sample had an average of 28 years of educational service, of which 9 were about an administrative position of responsibility while at school there are about 154 students on average. The majority of managers had expertise PE70, and the organicity of their school was 4-6 / 10-12 seat / seat. The majority of the sample were managers in schools in the prefecture of Larissa and Magnesia and most schools were operating in an urban or rural area. End,<br>The findings shows that the managers are quite familiar with the crisis management strategies, "Troubleshooting", "preparation" and "Recovery" and consider it somewhat to fairly familiar with the "Fight" strategy. It was also observed that the directors have 2 Universities / TEI degree is more familiar with the strategy of "Recovery" from those who have second degree, while those with a PhD are more familiar with strategies "Fight", "Remedy" and "Recovery" . Finally it was noted that more years of management experience in a position responsibilities lead to greater familiarity with the strategy of "Anti".<br>As regards training on crisis management strategy around half felt their personal experience. Also, respondents felt that managers often apply the "Transformational" and "Transactional" leadership, while said they rarely apply the 'passive' leadership. Finally, as regards their sense of self-efficacy, respondents felt possessed by very to extremely strong sense of self-efficacy on the crisis management strategy.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Educational leaders may face in their school units a variety of crises that can create great upheaval and turmoil in their proper functioning. With the high sense of self-efficacy that distinguishes them, the leadership style they adopt and their continuous training, the directors of the school units can successfully respond to their leading roles.<br>The purpose of this research is to explore the views of the directors of primary school units in the region of Thessaly, on crisis management, the sense of self-efficacy and the profile of the leadership behaviour of directors.<br>In the present investigation, 135 directors of school education units were involved in the majority of men. The sample had an average age of 54 years and the majority consisted of marriage managers with 2 children. In addition, most of them had additional certification in the T. P. E, while about half of them had a postgraduate degree. Furthermore, the directors of the sample had an average of 28 years of training service, of which about 9 were in an administrative position, while in their school there are about 154 students on average. The majority of the directors had specialty IP 70, and the organicity of their school was 4-6/seater and 10-12/seater. The majority of the sample were directors in schools in the prefecture of Larissa and Magnesia, while most schools operated in a residential or rural area. Finally, most respondents were over 2 years managers at their current school.<br>The findings show that managers are quite familiar with crisis management strategies, ' coping ', ' preparation ' and ' recovery ', while they consider themselves to be somewhat familiar with the ' fight ' strategy. It was also noted that managers who have a 2rd degree in education are more familiar with the strategy of "recovery" than those who do not have a 2d degree, while those who have a PhD are more familiar with the strategies "fighting", "coping" and "recovery". Finally, it was observed that more years of administrative experience in a position of responsibilities lead to greater familiarity with the strategy of "fighting".<br> With regard to training on the crisis management strategy, about half of them stated their personal experience. Also, respondents directors said they often apply "transformative" and "transactional" leadership, while on the contrary they said they rarely implement "passive" leadership. Finally, as regards the feeling of self-efficacy, the respondents have said that they have a very, very strong sense of self-efficacy regarding the crisis management strategy.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Educational leaders may face various crises in their school units that can cause great upheaval and turmoil in their proper functioning. With the high self-esteem that distinguishes them, the leadership style that they adopt and their continuing training, school heads can successfully fulfil their leadership roles.<br>The purpose of this survey is to examine the views of the heads of primary school units in the region of Thessaly on crisis management, the sense of self-efficiency and the profile of leadership behaviour of directors.<br>In this survey, 135 school heads of a/numerical education units were involved, mostly men. The sample was on average 54-year-old, and the majority consisted of married directors with two children. Most of them also had additional qualifications in higher education, while about half had a postgraduate degree. In addition, the sample managers had on average 28 years of training, of which the nine were in an administrative position of responsibility, while at their school there are about 154 average pupils. The majority of directors had a P70 qualification, and their school organisation was 4-6/seat and 10-12/seat. The majority of the sample were heads of schools in Larissa and Magnesia, while most schools operated in urban or rural areas. Finally, most of the respondents were more than two-year heads of their current school.<br>The findings show that the directors are quite familiar with crisis management strategies,'Treatment','Preparation'and'Recovery', While they think they are somewhat familiar with the'fight'strategy. It was also noted that managers with a second AI/TEI degree are more familiar with the'Recovery'strategy than those without a second degree, while those with a doctorate are more familiar with the strategies'Combat','Treatment'and'Recovery'. Finally, it was noted that several years of administrative experience in a position of responsibility lead to a greater familiarity with the'fight'strategy.<br>With regard to training on crisis management strategy, approximately half have reported their personal experience. The directors questioned also stated that they often employ the'transformative'and'allied' leadership, while on the contrary they said they rarely employ the'passive'leadership. Finally, and with regard to their sense of self-effectiveness, the respondents stated:<br>
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