με ένα ευχαριστώ και δια γράφεις 3 χρόνια γιατί; Επειδή δεν πήρα τηλέφωνο....και όταν εγώ κάποιες φορές πήρα εσύ που ήσουνα; Δεν το άκουγες είπες,οκ λοιπόν...δεν πειράζει....
with a thank you and remission 3 years why? Because I did not phone .... and when I sometimes got Where were you? I do not hear you say, okay then ... never mind ....
with a thank you and write 3 years why? Because I got no phone ....and when I sometimes got you you were Not the one ? did you say, OK well ...never mind ....